Results for 'Barry F. Seidman'

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  1.  20
    A NEW HUMANISM Naturalism, Democracy, and the Principle of Humanity.Barry F. Seidman - 2009 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 17 (1):11-35.
    If humanism is not equal to scientific naturalism, atheism, skepticism, or secularism, what then is humanism?
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  2. Replies to commentators.Barry F. Dainton - 2004 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness.
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  3. Unity in the void: Reply to Revonsuo.Barry F. Dainton - 2004 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 10.
    While agreeing with me on many issues, Revonsuo rejects my claim that phenomenal states could be co-conscious without being spatially related (in experience). In defence of my claim I described a thought-experiment in which.
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    Sacred-in-Practice: A Framework for Teaching Religion, Health, and Medicine.Barry F. Saunders - 2023 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (4):535-551.
    Abstractabstract:This essay proposes an unconventional approach to teaching "religion and medicine" to American medical students. Received frameworks for such teaching—articulated around faith denomination or "spirituality"—may imply that religiosities and their health effects are grounded in theology or transcendence, respectively. These frameworks may reify, or misrepresent relationships between, religion and science—for example, in supporting notions of conflict, or of an essentially secular character of technical progress. They can neglect ways in which biomedicine and its institutions are themselves engaged with and productive (...)
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  5. Time in experience: Reply to Gallagher.Barry F. Dainton - 2003 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 9.
    Consciousness exists in time, but time is also to be found within consciousness: we are directly aware of both persistence and change, at least over short intervals. On reflection this can seem baffling. How is it possible for us to be immediately aware of phenomena which are not (strictly speaking) present? What must consciousness be like for this to be possible? In "Stream of Consciousness" I argued that influential accounts of phenomenal temporality along the lines developed by Broad and Husserl (...)
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    Reforming the Use of Race in Medical Pedagogy.Barry F. Saunders & Lundy Braun - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (9):50-52.
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  7. Unity and introspectibility: Reply to Gilmore.Barry F. Dainton - 2004 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 10.
    Gilmore concentrates on two arguments which I took to undermine the claim that introspectibility is necessary for co-consciousness: the.
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  8. The gaze of consciousness.Barry F. Dainton - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (2):31-48.
    According to one influential view, consciousness has an awareness– content structure: any experience consists of the awareness of some content. I focus on one version of this dualism, and argue that it should be rejected. My principal argument is directed at the status of the supposed contents of aware- ness; I argue that neither of the principal options is tenable, albeit for different reasons. Although the doctrine in question may seem to be supported by the find- ings of researchers in (...)
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  9. Faith in dark ages.F. R. Barry - 1940 - London,: Student Christian Movement Press.
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  10. Coming together: The unity of conscious experience.Barry F. Dainton - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 209--222.
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    On Killing and Letting Die.Barry F. Brown - 1979 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 53:158-163.
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  12. Time and division.Barry F. Dainton - 1992 - Ratio 5 (2):102-128.
  13. Christianity and the new world.F. R. Barry - 1932 - London,: Harper & brothers.
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  14. Recovery of Man.F. R. Barry - 1949
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  15. The relevance of Christianity.F. R. Barry - 1931 - London,: Nisbet.
  16. The Nature and Identity of the Self.Barry F. Dainton - 1989 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;We are mental beings whose identity is absolute, intrinsic and real. This conception of the self, which, it is argued, corresponds to our deeper beliefs about, and attitudes towards, ourselves and others, is a consequence of taking the experienced unity and continuity of consciousness as the key to self-identity. Some of the difficulties often taken as fatal to this "subjectivist" view of the self, considerations concerning private languages and (...)
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  17. Higher-order consciousness and phenomenal space: Reply to Meehan.Barry F. Dainton - 2004 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 10.
    Meehan finds fault with a number of my arguments, and proposes that better solutions to the problems I was addressing are available if we adopt a higher-order theory of consciousness. I start with some general remarks on theories of this sort. I connect what I had to say about the A-thesis with different forms of higher-order sense theories, and explain why I ignored higher-order thought theories altogether: there are compelling grounds for thinking they cannot provide a viable account of phenomenal (...)
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    Accidental Esse.Barry F. Brown - 1970 - New Scholasticism 44 (1):133-152.
  19. Survival and Experience.Barry F. Dainton - 1996 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 96 (1):17 - 36.
    (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1996: 17-36) I If I am to survive until some later date, what must happen, and what must not happen, over the intervening period? I am talking here about survival in the strict sense. Take an earlier and a later person, if they are one and the same, what is it about them that makes this so? In addressing this question the preferred tool has long been the exploitation of imaginary or science fiction cases. We (...)
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    A Critical Analysis of Sterling Lamprecht's Theory of Causality.Barry F. Cohen - 1971 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo
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    10. Key Issues in Genetic Research, Testing, and Patenting.Russell J. Sawa & Barry F. Brown - 2007 - In Daniel Monsour (ed.), Ethics & the New Genetics: An Integrated Approach. University of Toronto Press. pp. 143-164.
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  22. Endothelial progenitor cells: diagnostic and trapeutic considerations.A. heLiew, F. Barry & T. Obrien - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (3):261-271.
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  23. Roman Catholic bioethics.Hazel J. Markwell & Barry F. Brown - 2008 - In Peter A. Singer & A. M. Viens (eds.), The Cambridge textbook of bioethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Challenging Postmodernism.Barry Seidman - 2005 - Philosophy Now 50:44-45.
  25. Toward a New Political Humanism.B. F. Seidman & N. J. Murphy (eds.) - 2004 - Prometheus.
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  26. Whitney Discussion.F. A. Matsen, Barry Whitney, Herb Vetter & Don Viney - 1998 - The Personalist Forum 14 (2):170-171.
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    The icon and the word: A study in the visual depiction of moral character.Barry Schwartz & Eugene F. Miller - 1986 - Semiotica 61 (1-2):69-100.
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    The Life of Jesus Christ.Paul F. Barry - 1938 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 13 (2):335-336.
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    The Concept of Reputational Bliss.Barry M. Mitnick & John F. Mahon - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 72 (4):323-333.
    A normative criterion identifying the conditions for a desirable corporate reputation, “reputational optimality,” or “reputational bliss,” is described, and a case developed for its utility and reasonableness as a criterion to apply to real world phenomena. The paper discusses some behavioral patterns under alternative moral positions taken by observers and the firm, critiques some alternative moral principles, and considers some dynamics of moving toward, defending and maintaining, and breaching or breaking reputational bliss.
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    Factor analysis and validation of a self-report measure of impaired fear inhibition.Tom J. Barry, Helen M. Baker, Christine H. M. Chiu, Barbara C. Y. Lo & Jennifer Y. F. Lau - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):512-523.
    ABSTRACTDifficulties with inhibiting fear have been associated with the emergence of anxiety problems and poor response to cognitive–behavioural treatment. Fear inhibition problems measured using experimental paradigms involving aversive stimuli may be inappropriate for vulnerable samples and may not capture fear inhibition problems evident in everyday life. We present the Fear Inhibition Questionnaire, a self-report measure of fear inhibition abilities. We assess the FIQ’s factor structure across two cultures and how well it correlates with fear inhibition indices derived experimentally. Adolescent participants (...)
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    Callous-unemotional traits and empathy deficits: Mediating effects of affective perspective-taking and facial emotion recognition.Joyce H. L. Lui, Christopher T. Barry & Donald F. Sacco - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (6).
  32.  13
    Computers and commitment to a public management decision: An experiment.Barry Bozeman & R. F. Shangraw - 1989 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 2 (3):42-56.
    Based on results of an experiment, hypotheses are tested concerning the effects of computer use on decision commitment. The experiment required subjects to make an adoption decision regarding a hypothetical government agency's innovation. Subjects could choose from a variety of information sets, some computer based, some not, before making the decision. After their decision the subjects were given “new evidence” that contradicted their initial position. Two experimental treatments included more difficult access to the computer-based information and higher cost for the (...)
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    Reputation Shifting.John F. Mahon & Barry M. Mitnick - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:267-272.
    The study of reputation has often focused on the creation of good reputations rather than on the varied means by which reputations are modified, or shifted, and the factors affecting such shifts. This paper develops a theory of reputation shifting and identifies five basic reputational actions, the types of strategic responses that can be taken to manage reputations.
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  34. Survey-based naming conventions for use in OBO Foundry ontology development.Schober Daniel, Barry Smith, Lewis Suzanna, E. Kusnierczyk, Waclaw Lomax, Jane Mungall, Chris Taylor, F. Chris, Rocca-Serra Philippe & Sansone Susanna-Assunta - 2009 - BMC Bioinformatics 10 (1):125.
    A wide variety of ontologies relevant to the biological and medical domains are available through the OBO Foundry portal, and their number is growing rapidly. Integration of these ontologies, while requiring considerable effort, is extremely desirable. However, heterogeneities in format and style pose serious obstacles to such integration. In particular, inconsistencies in naming conventions can impair the readability and navigability of ontology class hierarchies, and hinder their alignment and integration. While other sources of diversity are tremendously complex and challenging, agreeing (...)
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    Phases of a Pandemic Surge: The Experience of an Ethics Service in New York City during COVID-19.Joseph J. Fins, Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, C. Ronald MacKenzie, Seth A. Waldman, Mary F. Chisholm, Jennifer E. Hersh, Zachary E. Shapiro, Joan M. Walker, Nicole Meredyth, Nekee Pandya, Douglas S. T. Green, Samantha F. Knowlton, Ezra Gabbay, Debjani Mukherjee & Barrie J. Huberman - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (3):219-227.
    When the COVID-19 surge hit New York City hospitals, the Division of Medical Ethics at Weill Cornell Medical College, and our affiliated ethics consultation services, faced waves of ethical issues sweeping forward with intensity and urgency. In this article, we describe our experience over an eight-week period (16 March through 10 May 2020), and describe three types of services: clinical ethics consultation (CEC); service practice communications/interventions (SPCI); and organizational ethics advisement (OEA). We tell this narrative through the prism of time, (...)
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  36. Promoting coherent minimum reporting guidelines for biological and biomedical investigations: the MIBBI project.Chris F. Taylor, Dawn Field, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Jan Aerts, Rolf Apweiler, Michael Ashburner, Catherine A. Ball, Pierre-Alain Binz, Molly Bogue, Tim Booth, Alvis Brazma, Ryan R. Brinkman, Adam Michael Clark, Eric W. Deutsch, Oliver Fiehn, Jennifer Fostel, Peter Ghazal, Frank Gibson, Tanya Gray, Graeme Grimes, John M. Hancock, Nigel W. Hardy, Henning Hermjakob, Randall K. Julian, Matthew Kane, Carsten Kettner, Christopher Kinsinger, Eugene Kolker, Martin Kuiper, Nicolas Le Novere, Jim Leebens-Mack, Suzanna E. Lewis, Phillip Lord, Ann-Marie Mallon, Nishanth Marthandan, Hiroshi Masuya, Ruth McNally, Alexander Mehrle, Norman Morrison, Sandra Orchard, John Quackenbush, James M. Reecy, Donald G. Robertson, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Henry Rodriguez, Heiko Rosenfelder, Javier Santoyo-Lopez, Richard H. Scheuermann, Daniel Schober, Barry Smith & Jason Snape - 2008 - Nature Biotechnology 26 (8):889-896.
    Throughout the biological and biomedical sciences there is a growing need for, prescriptive ‘minimum information’ (MI) checklists specifying the key information to include when reporting experimental results are beginning to find favor with experimentalists, analysts, publishers and funders alike. Such checklists aim to ensure that methods, data, analyses and results are described to a level sufficient to support the unambiguous interpretation, sophisticated search, reanalysis and experimental corroboration and reuse of data sets, facilitating the extraction of maximum value from data sets (...)
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    Ethical uncertainty and COVID-19: exploring the lived experiences of senior physicians at a major medical centre.Ruaim Muaygil, Raniah Aldekhyyel, Lemmese AlWatban, Lyan Almana, Rana F. Almana & Mazin Barry - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (4):275-282.
    Given the wide-reaching and detrimental impact of COVID-19, its strain on healthcare resources, and the urgent need for—sometimes forced—public health interventions, thorough examination of the ethical issues brought to light by the pandemic is especially warranted. This paper aims to identify some of the complex moral dilemmas faced by senior physicians at a major medical centre in Saudi Arabia, in an effort to gain a better understanding of how they navigated ethical uncertainty during a time of crisis. This qualitative study (...)
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    Understanding visual attention to face emotions in social anxiety using hidden Markov models.Frederick H. F. Chan, Tom J. Barry, Antoni B. Chan & Janet H. Hsiao - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (8):1704-1710.
    Theoretical models propose that attentional biases might account for the maintenance of social anxiety symptoms. However, previous eye-tracking studies have yielded mixed results. One explanation i...
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  39. BFO-based ontology enhancement to promote interoperability in BIM.Justine Flore Tchouanguem, Mohamed Hedi Karray, Bernard Kamsu Foguem, Camille Magniont, F. Henry Abanda & Barry Smith - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (4):453-479.
    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process for managing construction project information in such a way as to provide a basis for enhanced decision-making and for collaboration in a construction supply chain. One impediment to the uptake of BIM is the limited interoperability of different BIM systems. To overcome this problem, a set of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) has been proposed as a standard for the construction industry. Building on IFC, the ifcOWL ontology was developed in order to facilitate representation (...)
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    Philosophy and political change in Eastern Europe.János Kristóf Nyíri & Barry Smith (eds.) - 1993 - LaSalle, Ill.: Hegeler Institute.
  41. The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations.Anita Bandrowski, Ryan Brinkman, Mathias Brochhausen, Matthew H. Brush, Bill Bug, Marcus C. Chibucos, Kevin Clancy, Mélanie Courtot, Dirk Derom, Michel Dumontier, Liju Fan, Jennifer Fostel, Gilberto Fragoso, Frank Gibson, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Melissa A. Haendel, Yongqun He, Mervi Heiskanen, Tina Hernandez-Boussard, Mark Jensen, Yu Lin, Allyson L. Lister, Phillip Lord, James Malone, Elisabetta Manduchi, Monnie McGee, Norman Morrison, James A. Overton, Helen Parkinson, Bjoern Peters, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Alan Ruttenberg, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Richard H. Scheuermann, Daniel Schober, Barry Smith, Larisa N. Soldatova, Christian J. Stoeckert, Chris F. Taylor, Carlo Torniai, Jessica A. Turner, Randi Vita, Patricia L. Whetzel & Jie Zheng - 2016 - PLoS ONE 11 (4):e0154556.
    The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI) is an ontology that provides terms with precisely defined meanings to describe all aspects of how investigations in the biological and medical domains are conducted. OBI re-uses ontologies that provide a representation of biomedical knowledge from the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) project and adds the ability to describe how this knowledge was derived. We here describe the state of OBI and several applications that are using it, such as adding semantic expressivity to (...)
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    ABET Criterion 3.f: How Much Curriculum Content is Enough?B. E. Barry & M. W. Ohland - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):369-392.
    Even after multiple cycles of ABET accreditation, many engineering programs are unsure of how much curriculum content is needed to meet the requirements of ABET’s Criterion 3.f (an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility). This study represents the first scholarly attempt to assess the impact of curriculum reform following the introduction of ABET Criterion 3.f. This study sought to determine how much professional and ethical responsibility curriculum content was used between 1995 and 2005, as well as how, when, why, and (...)
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  43. Barry F. Brown, Accidental Being: A Study in the Metaphysics of St. Thomas Aquinas Reviewed by.S. J. Clarke & W. Norris - 1987 - Philosophy in Review 7 (10):391-393.
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  44. Liberalism and Democracy.Norberto Bobbio, Michael J. Perry, Susan Mendus, Nichola Lacey, Brian Barry & E. F. Paul - 1990 - Philosophical Quarterly 40 (161):515-522.
  45. Bioportal: Ontologies and integrated data resources at the click of the mouse.L. Whetzel Patricia, H. Shah Nigam, F. Noy Natalya, Dai Benjamin, Dorf Michael, Griffith Nicholas, Jonquet Clement, Youn Cherie, Callendar Chris, Coulet Adrien, Barry Smith, Chris Chute & Mark Musen - 2011 - In Whetzel Patricia L., Shah Nigam H., Noy Natalya F., Benjamin Dai, Michael Dorf, Nicholas Griffith, Clement Jonquet, Cherie Youn, Chris Callendar, Adrien Coulet, Smith Barry, Chute Chris & Musen Mark (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Ontology, Buffalo, NY. pp. 292-293.
    BioPortal is a Web portal that provides access to a library of biomedical ontologies and terminologies developed in OWL, RDF(S), OBO format, Protégé frames, and Rich Release Format. BioPortal functionality, driven by a service-oriented architecture, includes the ability to browse, search and visualize ontologies (Figure 1). The Web interface also facilitates community-based participation in the evaluation and evolution of ontology content.
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  46. The National Center for Biomedical Ontology.Mark A. Musen, Natalya F. Noy, Nigam H. Shah, Patricia L. Whetzel, Christopher G. Chute, Margaret-Anne Story & Barry Smith - 2012 - Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 19 (2):190-195.
    The National Center for Biomedical Ontology is now in its seventh year. The goals of this National Center for Biomedical Computing are to: create and maintain a repository of biomedical ontologies and terminologies; build tools and web services to enable the use of ontologies and terminologies in clinical and translational research; educate their trainees and the scientific community broadly about biomedical ontology and ontology-based technology and best practices; and collaborate with a variety of groups who develop and use ontologies and (...)
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    Human Embryo Research: Yes or No? by Ciba Foundation.Fr Robert Barry - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (3):551-556.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 551 Human Embryo Research: Yes or No?. By CIBA FOUNDATION. London: Tavistock: 1987. Pp. xv + 232. $39.95 (cloth). In 1984 a governmental commission formed under the directorship of Dame Mary Warnock studied proposed legislation for experimentation on human embryos for research purposes. It concluded that such experimentation should not be permitted ·after the fourteenth day of gestation. This book records a symposium conducted under the sponsorship (...)
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  48. Discussion of “Biomedical informatics: We are what we publish”.Geissbuhler Antoine, W. E. Hammond, A. Hasman, R. Hussein, R. Koppel, C. A. Kulikowski, V. Maojo, F. Martin-Sanchez, P. W. Moorman, Moura La, F. G. De Quiros, M. J. Schuemle, Barry Smith & J. Talmon - 2013 - Methods of Information in Medicine 52 (6):547-562.
    This article is part of a For-Discussion-Section of Methods of Information in Medicine about the paper "Biomedical Informatics: We Are What We Publish", written by Peter L. Elkin, Steven H. Brown, and Graham Wright. It is introduced by an editorial. This article contains the combined commentaries invited to independently comment on the Elkin et al. paper. In subsequent issues the discussion can continue through letters to the editor.
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    Book ReviewsChristopher F. Zurn, Deliberative Democracy and the Institutions of Judicial Review. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. 366. $91.00. [REVIEW]Christian Barry - 2008 - Ethics 118 (4):767-772.
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    (1 other version)Mariano Artigas;, Thomas F. Glick;, Rafael A. Martínez. Negotiating Darwin: The Vatican Confronts Evolution, 1877–1902. viii + 326 pp., illus., bibl., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. $50. [REVIEW]Barry Brundell - 2008 - Isis 99 (2):415-416.
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